About Me

Short Bio

  • I’m currently a graduate student at Cornell University studying Computer Science. I learned to program and build websites ever since I was in elementary school and eventually became obsessed with Computer Science.
  • I have always maintained a broad interest among different fields including but are not limited to: Software Engineering, Computer Systems, Computer Security, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence. Likewise, I also have a side interest in popular trends such as Cryptocurrency, Quantum Computing, Finances, and Music.
  • Acquiring knowledge has always been a luxury to me especially when there is so much to learn. I know I will never have enough time to fully understand everything. I tend to think of the universe when my mind is free of daily hassle. Ultimately, that is what I am curious about the most.


Programming languages

  • Proficient: Python, JavaScript/ECMAScript
  • Intermediate: C, C++, Go, C#, Java, MIPS
  • Relevant: x86, PHP, Ocaml, MATLAB


  • Experiences: Git/CVS, Bash, GitHub Workflow/Copilot, LaTeX, Regexp, Windows/Linux/Mobile(Jailbreak/Root)-related, MongoDB/MySQL/Firebase, VMware/VirtualBox, Fiddler/Wireshark, Drupal, Unreal Engine 4, React/Express/Node.js, OpenShift, OpenAI GPT3, Google Colab, other computer security/privacy-related applications

Research Experiences

  • File Systems and Storage Lab Research Assistant
    (Stony Brook University, NY, Jun 2021 - May 2022)
    • Supervised by Professor Erez Zadok
    • Involved in the project Model-Checking Support for File System Development
    • Implemented a workflow to automate distributed (remote) SPIN swarm verification
    • Optimized the file system model checking project code-base (C/C++) using an extremely fast hash algorithm with options to select different hashing methods for traversing directory trees, and implemented the file/directory exclusion list feature
    • Performed code-base bench-marking and file system regression testing
    • Designed a test script that reveals FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) backup/restore bugs and fixed them along with all existing memory errors
    • Proposed and helped create a comprehensive project documentation
  • AnimatedPoseur Research Project Developer
    (Stony Brook University, NY, Dec 2020 - Jul 2021)
    • Supervised by Professor Richard McKenna
    • Initially designed for the 2D Game Programming (CSE380) class
    • Used MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack with GraphQL to develop the website
    • Enabled users to create animated sprites and share with other people on the internet
    • Provided features such as canvas tools, states/frames/layers management, components multi-selections, image/animation manipulations, and operation transaction stacks
    • Deployment process automation using GitHub Action workflow

Teaching Experiences

Work Experiences

  • Web Developer, Queens Library at Central, Queens, NY, Summer 2019
    • Fulfilled users’ feedback by adding/optimizing/modifying web features (PHP/Javascript)
    • Handled various versions of the Drupal Framework for backward compatibility of website codebase
    • Fixed website critical errors via troubleshooting/debugging
    • Provide customized modules that meet supervisor’s needs for feature integrations

Public Projects

(Some other personal projects are not made public but may be shown upon request)

  • Simple Polygon Triangulation Counting Tool: GitHub and Demo
    • A web application tool that counts the number of triangulations of a simple polygon
  • My Userscripts Collection: GitHub
    • Coursera Transcript Auto-Scrolling: GitHub
      • Make Coursera transcript scrollbar always scroll to where the sentence is being said.
    • Steam Market Sniper: GitHub
      • A Steam market web bot that dynamically places/relists order to minimize order cost while maximizing order priority
    • Leetcode Helper: GitHub
      • Add enhancements to the Leetcode online code editor
  • Sun Audio DTMF Generation and Detection: GitHub
    • A C Program that can detect/generate Sun Audio DTMF files using only pointers with minimal header files